Optic Blast: You shoot a Red blast whenever you open your eyes. The only way to stop the blast is to close your eyes
or red rubies. In sun light this power is unlimited but when not in direct sun light you have a limit to how many d you can
shoot (con. modifier *10 *level)you get 1d per sec. in sun light (6 per round) (so at 11 level
with a con of 16, what Cyclops is about, you could hold 330d to shoot.)
Visor: Will allow him to open his eyes even
if he is at a full charge without shooting as it gives him control of the power. (Cost 500 to make DC 15) It cut his vision
at night to ½ range.
Damage: Full Powered: 11d8, Visor Full Power: 9d8, 3/4 Power: 7d8, 1/2 Power: 5d8, 1/4 Power:
3d8, Mild Concessive Blast: 1d8 (for knocking something over, or someone out.) Critical: 18-20/x2.
Range: 1 mile or less max range, Effective range: 500 ft for the -2 to hit.
+2 to B.A.B. This power is considered an attack with a ranged weapon since it requires some concentration to use. Can
be used to counter any ice-based attacks like cone of cold, and even heat attacks at equal damage any
extra carrys to target and visa versa. You are Asorbe your own power as well as any
one else with this power like it was the sun at that man d.