Mister Fantastic possesses the ability to convert the mass of
his entire body into a highly malleable state at will. In such a state, he can stretch, deform, expand, or compress his entire
body or parts thereof into any contiguous shape he can imagine. He can extend his limbs, torso, or neck to great distances:
the maximum length he can distend before his body segments become painful is about 1,500 feet. (Although he can extend discrete
body parts, such as a single finger, an ear, or an eye, he seldom if ever isolates such parts in his elongations.) He can
also extend his body in two directions, creating a canopy, parachute, or sheath, its thickness determined by the extent of
its distention. He has compressed his body into the shape of a solid sphere, a cylinder, a cube, a toroid, and a rectangular
prism: he can assume the shape of any solid that he can envision clearly, of a volume no greater than 1.7 cubic feet (a sphere
about 18 inches in diameter). He can generate thin-walled shapes that enclose great volumes of space. Mister Fantastic can
flatten himself to the thickness of an average sheet of typing paper (.0035 inch) or narrow himself to a diameter small enough
to pass through the eye of a #10 beading needle (about .045 x .06 inches). How his body's respiration and circulatory systems
function at these distorted extremes is as yet unknown. Mister Fantastic can alter his form in a matter of seconds, often
much less (depending on the complexity of the shape), and revert to his normal humanoid shape within a similar time. The greater
the distance he stretches or the more extended the size of the object he becomes, the weaker his overall strength becomes.
(Normal changes take a move action)
Due to the great malleability and elasticity of his molecular
structure, Mister Fantastic is able to absorb the impact of any type of man-made ballistic projectile by deforming his body
along the path of the projectile's trajectory at the point of initial impact. After his body absorbs the kinetic energy of
a ballistic projectile's impact, he can expel the object back along its trajectory by flexing like a trampoline if he is adequately
braced. He can enclose and absorb the energy of a large explosive, on the order of 8 to 12 pounds of TNT (excluding exotic,
high density explosives). Such shocks to his system are physically exhausting. Imuune to all
non-energy projectials and if braced get get's free attack as if he fired the weapon at the original target. He
gets a fort save on all explosion damge (save neg.) DC is 1/4 damage.
Mister Fantastic's transformation to a malleable state is reflexive
and nearly instantaneous: if he was at his normal form and taken unaware by machine gun fire, his body would still absorb
the bullets' impact through radical deformation. Mister Fantastic's skin is virtually impervious to laceration or punctures
unless he wilfully relaxes his reflexive control over small areas of his body. In that case, scalpels and ordinary needles
can penetrate his skin. Immune to Normal Percing and normal Slashing wepons.