Sentinel Size Large HD 50D12 (300 hp) Initiative -2 Speed 60, 120 fly
(good) Ac 27 (-1 size, 18 natural) Attack +20 hand laser(2), +5 eye laser (2), +10 Cable, +1
gas, and -5 punch Damage 2d6+10, 1d6+10, 1d2+7, ------, 1d20+7 Ability
25 str, 10 dex, --- wis, --- con, ---int, 10 chr Skill hide+5, Spot +25, Search +25, Knowledge (mutant) +35,
Knowledge(tactics) +10 Listen +15, Track +20 Feat Improve Grab(on cable), Power attack (on lasers)
Saves ref +10, Fort +10, Will +2 Immunities Critical, Mind, Paralysis, Sleep, Gas 1/2 damage Fire,
Cold, Energy DR 20/+1 Challenge 10 The sentinel will use 2 Attack each round a long
as it has more then 10% life. After 10% life it will leave for repair. On a natural 20 one of it limes are cut off
1-10 arm 11-19 leg 20 Head Sentinel II Size Large HD 50D6 (150 hp) Initiative
-1 Speed 70, 140 fly (good) Ac 20 (-1 size, 10 natural +1dex) Attack +40 hand
laser(2), +10 eye laser (2), +20 Cable, +5 gas, and 0 punch Damage 2d12+10, 1d10+10,
1d6+12, ------, 2d20+12 Ability 35 str, 12 dex, --- wis, --- con, ---int, 10 chr Skill
hide+10, Spot +35, Search +35, Knowledge (mutant) +45, Knowledge(tactics) +30 Listen +25, Track +30, and Knowledge
(alien) +15 Feat Improve Grab(on cable), Power attack (on lasers) Saves ref +20, Fort +20,
Will +4 Immunities Critical, Mind, Paralysis, Sleep, Gas 1/4 damage Fire, Cold, Energy DR
10/+2 Challenge 14 The sentinel will use 2 Attack each round a long as it has more then 10% life. After
10% life it will leave for repair. On a natural 20 one of it limes are cut off 1-10 arm 11-19 leg 20 Head Each round
you touch him you thake #of round squared in eltrical stun damage.