All Storms effects on the weather are permanent. If she fails any DC checks she take 1d4 subdued damage per point she missed.
The weather parts can be looked up on pages 86-88 in DMG. As a full round action she can change the Temp, wind and Precipation
at the same time.
Cone of Cold (Sa)- Full round action, DC of 15, same as spell but at ½ lvl (max 10)
Raise or lower temp 5+1/level degrees DC = degrees. Attack action.
-0 Fort DC15+1/10 min. 1d4S if failed and Fatigued
1-40 fort DC 15+1/hour. 1d4S if failed
41-89 No effect
90-109 fort DC 15+1/hour. 1d4S if failed (4 in armor or heavy clothes)
110-139 Fort DC15+1/10 min. 1d4S if failed and Fatigued (4 in armor or heavy clothes)
140+ 1d6 damage from Breathing, Fort DC15+1/5 min. 1d4S if failed and Fatigued (4 in armor or heavy clothes) Armor effected
as per heat metal, Boiling water does 1d6 or 10d6 if sumerged.
Wind control DC 5 per step changes (can do more then one step in one move action.) She can limmit the effect to all
other down 2 level if she deciedes.
Rain- DC 5, Snow DC10, Sleet DC10, Hail DC 15, Fog DC10. These abilities can be centralized
to a minimum of a 10 ft x 10 ft column. To centralize the DC increases by 10.
From the Sky is (1d10) D8 + 5 to hit but must not have anything over the person. DC15 to call
From hand is like the spell at ½ her level. DC 5 to use.
Fly is DC 0 free action. Good Manovablity at 50 speed.
Wind shield (move action to start but free to maintain) DC 5, gives you a ac of +1/2 level
5 resitence to Fire, cold, lightinig.
Phobias: Claustrophobia
In 10-foot space or less all DC go up by 15. For every foot less it at +15 at 5 foot square she must also make
a will save at DC25 or pass out for 1d4 hours.