Activation takes one action. Can only have active for 1 hour per level. Has spider clime at will Str +15 (+1 every
2 levels) Dex +10(+1 every 2 levels) Con +5 Chr -3 +12 speed(when active) Fast healing 1 Dr 1/+2 per level
(2nd level 2/+2) (none agenst fire, sonic) Reach +5 feet Can web sling for 2x movement (walk use 1 VP, double
move 2vp, run 4 VP per round) Can look like normal clothes. +5 disguise Costume has 4*hp (called VP) for special
regenerate 1 (fire, sonic) Special one very odd level in order Impact webs= -4 to opents action till
off (DC 20 -5 per size above medium) (4 venom points) Web Ball= 2d4 stun damage (2 venom points) Shield= takes
damage to venom not to you and gives +2 ac (when on only partial actions allowed) Bleeding= 30% miss chance +10 hide
(only partial actions when on) (2 venom points per round) Hand change into a weapon that does 1d8+ str (auto proficient
and can use monk unarmed attacks) (2 venom point per round) Fire does 2x damage to you and 1x to venom
(fireball for 10 will do 20 to you hp and 10 to you VP) Sonic does 2x damage to you and 1x to venom (Sonic for 10
will do 20 to you hp and 10 to you VP) Costume will try to tell you what to do at times. If separated for more
then 2 months each day apart does 1 point damage that cannot be healed till they are back together.