Construct: A construct is an animated object or artificially constructed creature. A construct is immune to mind-influencing
effects and to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, and necromantic effects.
Constructs cannot
heal damage on their own, though they can be healed. Constructs can be repaired in the same way an object can. A construct
with the regeneration and fast healing special qualities still benefits from those qualities.
A construct is not subject
to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, ability drain, or energy drain. It is immune to any effect that requires
a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects). A construct is not at risk of death from massive damage, but when
reduced to -10 hit points or less, it is immediately destroyed. Transformers can be brought back to life with a high enogh
repair skill (10+1/hp below -10 to raise to -9hp and cost 1gp/hp healed). (Repair skill is a class skill for them.) Transformers
also can do altomatic repairs by powering down at the rate of 1/8 level per hour powered down.(one night powered down heals
like a person) They can use the repair skill to heal up to 75% of dammage based on the repair skill (for every point over
dc 15 it heals one hp and cost 1gp+1sp per hp).
All transformer can make energy cubes that they need to eat like food.
The cubes can be filled only targeting the cubes to fill them (do not let them become filled but the wiz casting lightinig
bot at you to do damage). The transformer can store 10* con. score any more and he becomes drunk. He uses 10 points a day
to funtion any day that he does not have energy he losses 10 hp and can not heal by shutting down.
Size role 2d6 one
for colomn one one for colom 2 11-16 Cassette Small +2 levels 21-36 Minibot Mediem +3 Levels 41-56 Average Large
+4 levels 61-66 Large huge +5 levels
Special role 1d6 1 Enchance ability ....1 vision +10 spot ....2
hearing +10 listion ....3 smell ....4 sensors (like ships) ....5 one physical skill +10 ....6 Com systems
2 Fighter +3 attack 3 defence ....1-2 shield on arm (+9 ac to one attace declare before roll) ....3-5 Armor
(+6 ac) ....6 Shield (DR of 2d6) 4 Built in weapon (extra weapon that is connected to him) 5 Stealth Enhancement
....1 Blinding (other roll save vs reflec dc 10+ level for level in arounds) ....2-3 Stealthy +5 sneak +5 hide ....4
Smoke screen (50 % miss) ....5 Hologram Projector ....6 Cloaking Device 6 Speacel Dm and player talk about a cool
weapons 1d6 to see how many Types (d100) 1-30 Melee 2d12+str 31-60 Throw 2d8+str (uses 1 energy
each) (energy attack) 61-95 Projectile 4d8 (uses 2 energy each) (energy attack) 96-100 Missle range touch attack 3d8
(1/level a day)
Cassette Cybertronians (only as fimilers) Str +3 Dex +12 Con +7 Int +5 Wis +3
Chr -3 AC +2 Attack +2 Move 27 (or based on animal) Special Abilities: Transforming: Cybertronians
can transform into other objects in this case storige for bigger robot. Enhanced Eyesight: +2 to Search Immunity to
Organic Diseases Virtual Immortality DR 3/+1 Size Tiny
Cassette Cybertronians Str +7 Dex +10 Con
+7 Int +5 Wis +3 Chr -5 AC+1 Attack +1 Move 27 (or based on creature) Special Abilities: Transforming:
Cybertronians can transform into other objects in this case to go into a bigger robot). Enhanced Eyesight: +2 to Search
Immunity to Organic Diseases Virtual Immortality DR 5/+1 Size Small
Minibot Cybertronians Str
+10 Dex +1 Con +10 Int +5 Wis+3 Chr-6 Move: 33 Transformed 99 Special Abilities: Transforming:
Cybertronians can transform into other objects. Enhanced Eyesight: +2 to Search Immunity to Organic Diseases Virtual
Immortality DR 7/+1 Size Meduem
Average Cybertronians Str +13 Dex +1 Con +13 Int +5 Wis+3
Chr-7 Move: 36 Transformed 108 Special Abilities: Transforming: Cybertronians can transform into other objects.
Enhanced Eyesight: +2 to Search Immunity to Organic Diseases Virtual Immortality DR 10/+1 Size Large
Cybertronians Str +17 Dex +1 Con +17 Int +5 Wis +3 Chr 7 Move: 42 Transformed 126 Special
Abilities: Transforming: Cybertronians can transform into other objects. Enhanced Eyesight: +2 to Search Immunity
to Organic Diseases Virtual Immortality DR 15/+2 Size Huge
Cybertronian Leaders +6 levels Str +18
Dex +1 Con+17 Int +5 Wis +3 Chr -7 Move: 51 Transformed 153 Special Abilities: Transforming:
Cybertronians can transform into other objects. Enhanced Eyesight: +2 to Search Immunity to Organic Diseases Virtual
Immortality All weapons do 1d extra DR 15/+3 Size Huge.
If they transform into a gun they do 2* as much
damage as their most powerful gun. Natural Armor is equel to thier level.
If the clas can get a familiar and they take the improve familiar feat they can. You can take the More familiar feat
(from Dragon Magazine 280) to have more then one. Top get a tiny need to be +3 level (then you could normally take it) and
at least medium size. To get the small you need to be +5 level (then you could normally take it) and at least large. For anything
else (Rumble was Medium not small) you need to be 2 sizes larger then them and for each size increase add +2 level. These
all change into some sort of carrying means that you can realese in robot or other form. (A gun may make them into bullets
for example.) This is done so that you can make a SoundWave type of chareter if you like. Also you do not get the benefits
of the fimiliar if it is put a way (to balance out the fact that it has 100% cover)