Limited Invulnerability: Yours a lot tougher than any normal human. She can physically take beatings that no human could
ever hope to with stand. Normal base AC ratings are at 10, with you its at 16. This doesn't include any of her other abilities
as a monk.
Super Human Strength: Yours Strength is far greater than any normal humans are. Yours Strength is at a
Flight: You have the ability to defy gravity and fly about at will (good Manoverablity).
You can take to the air at anytime as either a reaction or other wise. Taking to the air counts as a movement. You can fly
at a speed of 90ft in any direction. Speed up is at half, and speed down is doubled.
Super Human Constitution: You
are physically tougher than the average human is. Yours constitution is at a +12.
Absorption: You have the ability
to absorb another persons memories and physical abilities through physical skin to skin contact. You however have no control
over this power and must take steps to not come into physical contact with anyone. Whenever she touches a person they go into
a coma like state temporarily, but this depends on how long she has been in contact with them. You will also take on the physical
characteristics of what ever she touched to some extent. You gain upon touching someone or something its abilities, and its
memories. Abilities would include a dragons fire breath or the wizards ability to cast spells, another example of physical
changes are boosts to her physical states bringing them up to the level of what ever she touched, claws, or wings. The longer
she remains in contact with a person determines not only how long she retains their abilities, and memories, but also how
long the person is in a coma. For every melee round she is incontact with the person they will remain in a coma for the round
x2 +1d4 in hours. If she remains in contact with someone for more than a minute or 2 when runs the risk of possibly killing
the person. For every melee round over 2 minutes that she is in contact with that they will be in a coma for days instead
of hours, and after 3 minutes it becomes years. At the point where its years You will permanently retain the abilities of
the person she touched as well as their memories. These cases will case you to sometimes develop a spit persona of that person.
The change is drastic in terms of how you act. You retain the abilities and powers of who ever she touched for the same length
of time the person is in a coma. A brief touch such as a fast and light tap or barley touching will grant You the persons
abilities and memories for only a few minutes, usually only 2-3 minutes, the person touched isn't in a coma but they are severely
weakened by it and gain a -7 to all actions. The size of the person or creature also dictates how long they are in a coma.
Large creatures get to make a Fortitude saving throw at a -7. For being affected, Huge creatures are at a -4 to the save,
Gargantuan creatures are at a normal save, and Colossal creatures are completely immune to Yours power. The save is for half
the time span for creatures that are Large to Huge in size, and for Gargantuan creatures its for immunity. (Depending on how
the power is used also dictates how much experience you should get for using it. If her powers are triggered by an accidental
touch, or by being touched by another person she shouldn't get a lot of experience, but if when does it intentionally she
should get a bit more. Also the circumstances also dictate if her alignment should change or not. You should normally go out
of her way to not come into skin to skin contact with a person.) nter supporting content here