Invulnerable to microwaves and heat
Microwave Manipulation: She can absorb, then project and control microwave energy.
Energy Blast: 1/2 level in D6 damage to organic, and her level in D6 damage to inorganic Range 50 feet
Heat Generation: Generat a area attack doing 1d6/4 level in a 25 foot sphere.
Flight: Perfect manoverablity At 60 movement.
Heat Shield: Can put up a heat shield that does 2 times her level to anything that hits her before the damage is delt.
(If the item is destoyed she takes no damage)
Disrupt Electrical Equipment: All DC on etrical equipment is 5 higer (can not controle.) out to 10 feet.
Has the Fire sub type: 2 times damage on faild save vs cold and immune to fire.