My Saga Starwars Site click pic. |

My Saga Starwars Site click pic. |
3/4 Sorry I have not been on. My computer was messed up and still is.
2/13/08- Sorry it has been a very long time since I last updated this page. I am now back playing Rpg's again
including wow and Star Wars sage d20. I am planing to start posting a section for Srarwars and I have asked a few people
if I can post some of there stuff here. If you have something you would like me to post please send me a e-mail and
I will try to do so.
3/30 I added the Race Trollan. It is the Race from the old he-man show that Orko was called.
3/21/06 I am posting the starts of the next game I am making. I do not know how much
I will post of it but I plain to try to post as much as possible.
3/6 I guess I will not be able to update it once a week like I hoped. I will try to do it as much as I can though.
Also for people that do not know there is now a Dungens and Dragons game out (ddo) . It is a massive onlne game. I am on the Mabar (I think that is the name) and my main is called Dusk.
I have not forgoten about trying to add a forums to this site but I am not sure how to do it. If you know how
please send me some information and I will read it.
I have not forgoten about this site it. I have been very busy with my 4 children. (5, 3, 1.5, and .8 year
olds) Things have now settaled down and I plan to start posting things again. I plain to try to add some things
at lest once a week. I am also going to try to add a form to this site for people can can talk about difrent rules or
crazy things they do in there games.
Sorry it has been so long since I updated this. I am going to try to do a better job putting new things up.
I am not playing a superhereo verson of D&D at the moment but it you have request let me know. At the moment I am
playing a D&D (ebron) with me as DM, a online one with me as a soc and I am playing SWG and WOW. I am waiting for
DDO to come out and you should read the forms there at
World map pluse broking into 8 parts.
Welcome to my Dungeons And Dragon/Starwars (D20) Based site. I will also try to
use the new 3.5 verson for the books but it seems that both will be about the same.
I am sorry it has been so long since I last posted but I plan to start again. If you have anyone you would like
me to try to post plese just sent me the information (what they can and can not do with there powers) to and I will try to make something up.
I now have a working exe file for the wild.bas file
I now have a second son born 1/14/03.
I figuerd it was time to move that old stuff to its own page.
I have found that I made alot of mistakes on the stat bounes on most of the superhereos. I have fixed Hulk and
Thing as It was then that I found my error. I when back and fixed Rouge and it put her from a +8 to a +12 so I have
decied not to fix the other unless some one ask me to. If you do I will make a nother copy of it and put a link so that
you can pick the one you like.