The Green lantern ring holds a charge of the Primery user VP (HP ) times 2.
It takes 1 hour to charge to full power.
It can do the following
Manifest Astro Constructs-It can make creatures and items as if Manifesting a Astro Construct at the same cost as the
Power lasting for 1round per level. The concentration DC for this is 0+level of astro power+1/time a construct has been
destoyed. For stuff like a giant shove take the damage it would do and compare it to the constucts. Can only summon
up to his level or less. If you attack with it in your hand then it uses your attack like you were
attaking with any other wepon. If it is not in your hand it uses the powe's attack.
Shield- He can use his ring to make a shield that will protect people or himself. The shield uses 1 point
for every 4 point it protects agenst rounded up. He must also make a concentration cheak of 10+1/ 10 damage it takes.
Force attack- it shoots a force ball that does 1D6 /level at the cost of 2 points.
X-ray vison- for 17 points he gains X-ray Vison bases on the following table
Rate Max
Living 4'/round 20'
Stone 1'/round
Metals 1"/round
Lead Nil
Heal- The ring can heal other's at a 1 for 1 bases.
Glow- for 1 pont per hour he can fly at 90 perfectly manoveabliity and gives DR5/+5. While the glow is around him
he can servive in any envirement (space, underwater, ect.)It also acts as a Universal Translator for him wile it is up.
Invisability- He can make himself invisable as per the second level spell for 3 points.
Ghost form - As per the wiz Ghostform Spell (TOM p. 90) but can not pass Yellow items still effect you normaly.
Cost 9 points
Enhance- for 1 point for he can enhance his own physical stats by a +1 (max +=to level)
Limitation- The ring can not affect anythingyellow and need must have a green ray going to the things it makes
at all times.
The ring leaves a trace residue of green energy on objects it touches or
in the immediate vicinity of its use.
The ring's programming forbids the taking of life by use of the ring,Ordinarily, the ring
will issue a warning to the wielder and may even shut down, leaving the wielder vulnerable to attack.
The Ring has 100Wp and DR 20/-. It cost $1,000 and 1 day for you to make it again. And the Battery to rechage
it cost $100,000 and 100 days to remake. Only you can use the ring. you can only have 1 ring at a time.