"Fireworks": You have the superhuman ability to generate what she calls her "fireworks:" energy globules
that vary in degrees of power and intensity. The globules obey her mental control, traveling where she directs them, arranging
themselves in balls, streamers, and other shapes, and exploding when she wishes. These combinations may result in anything
from a multitude of colorful sparkles capable of temporarily blinding a person to a fairly powerful detonation, capable of
smashing tree trunks or metal objects. She can absorb these "fireworks" back into her own body without harm to herself.
These globules can also ignite combustible material when they explode. Damage ranges from simple blinding flashes, no save,
duration is 1 round. A single-handed blast, (1 action), can do 3d4 damage, while a double, 2 handed blasts, (Full action)
can do 7d4 damage. All blasts have a range of about 20ft. As she goes up in level she gains an additional 1d4 to the total
damage, until she hits level 11.