Healing Factor: The unusual ability of rapid healing and recovery. You regain 1 HP (WP then
VP) plus Your level every round. You are also highly resistant to pain, +2 to Will saves for pain. You are also
highly resistant to all poisons, diseases, and toxins, you gains a +4 to those saves that apply, and after a given amount
of time your system is purged (10 min per point missed by) . You are immune to were-creature bites
or scratches, as well as vampire bites. Youre age is also undeterminable since your healing factor retards Your aging process.
You are immune to spells that rapidly age a person. Your healing factor is considered a supernatural ability.
Enhanced Senses: Your senses are slightly greater than normal humans are. You can see at double the range of a normal
human, has a much finer sense of hearing, and a incredible sense of smell. You can remember a person simply by their scent.
If the wind is right you can discern a scent from up to a mile away. At another time he can discern a scent from up to 70ft
away. You are at a +3 in any roles regarding your senses. You are also at a +1 to any saves regarding your senses. Your enhanced
senses are considered supernatural abilities.
Enhanced Strength: You are just a little stronger than the average person is. Your Strength is at a +2. Your enhanced
strength is considered a supernatural ability.
Claws- Do 2D6+str Critical: 17-20/x2
Bite- Does 3D6+1.5 str Critical: 17-20/X4. Anytime He hits with a claw attack he gets a free bite at the
same attack modifer.