Known Powers:
Magnetic Control:
Can use Telekinesis (at 10 time the normal weight limits) and Telekinetic Sphere (at 10
time the normal weight limits) at will and can maintain concentration on the as a free action at a dc of 5+5 for each power
he is using. So if he is using his force field and 2 telekinesis his concentration
dc would be 15 to keep it up. If he gets only a 10 then one of the powers shut
off randomly. If he is at ½ life the dc goes up by +5, if at ¼ life the dc goes up +10, if fatigued dc goes p +5, and if exhausted dc goes up +10,
Force Field: He can create a
bubble as a move action that provides a dr of his level vs all attacks.
Flight: 15’ speed and perfect
Energy Control: Can use lighting
bolt at will at ½ his level rounded up.
Magnetic Detection: Can detect
and changes in a magnetic field. This allows him to detect teleporting, invisible or illusions with a concentration check
of dc10 to know if it is there or a dc 25 for the square they are in.
Telepathic Projection: His power
provides +5 vs all mental attacks