You have a Flame energy of 600 pluse con score per level per day.
He can control fire as if he has the Control Flame power from the psionics hand book.
While flamed on he can Fly at 50' with perfect manivabilty (limit to 180 pounds). He has a damage shield of 2 point
per level. This cost 1 point per round to use and a move action to turn on. If you take 45 or more damage from
cold it put this power out or more then 5 gallons of water. He can not use this power again for 1 round per 5 cold damage
over 45 (1 round at 50, 2 at 55 ect.) or 1 min per gallon.
Throw flames cost 1 point per d6 max of level or 20. Range 10
Shoot heat cost dice squared d8 max of level or 20. Range 100/level. (no roll to hit but a reflex save or negate.
DC 10+level)
Can control fires with a concentration cheak (DC is DM call)
Make flaming item that last for 3 min unless made to last longer if he puts more points in it. 30 point per
foot per 1/4 damage (a 1 foot for 1 damage is 120 points.)
The Torch's light output is mostly in the infrared and infrared region of the spectrum, and is invisible to the unaided
eye. Less that 10% of his total power output is in the visible portion of the spectrum. Thus, the Torch, when aflame, is dimmer
than one would expect of so powerful an energy source
The Human Torch is unaffected by heat and flames, including his
own, even when part of him is aflame and the rest of him is not. His flesh cannot be scalded or burned by any heat source
whose level is below that of his maximum output.
Uniforms and ordinary clothing are created using unstable molecules,
enabling him to flame on while wearing them without harming them in any way. Costing $200 per outfit and takes 1/2 a
day to make.