To turn things Invisible You 10 point per round Other things are 1 point per 100 feet
plus size cost. Fine 2 round Diminutive 4 round
Tiny 8 round Small 14 round Medium 18 round Large 24 round Huge 32
round Garatuan 40 round Colossal 50 round
2 hp per point with a DR = to points (also all energy = to points) Plus 1 point per 100 feet Cost 1 point to make shield
inv. (Most damage will carry over up to dm). The shields do not move
but many could be made to make stairs or plateforms to ride on like ICEMan does. Your max point
are Level * Level + (level* con bonus) You regain at the rate Level +con bonus a round
To make a thing invisible
it has a Concentration check dc 0 To make a shield (or many shields totaling) it has a
Concentration check Dc 10+1/10 points (20hp shield dc is 12) For each time that your shield
is broken since your last nights rest the dc goes up 5 point for all checks.