Movied from the Main Page 12/26/02 at 11:10pm
Last updated on
Wednesday, December 25, 2002 7:50:56 PM
Welcome to my Dungeons And Dragon/Starwars
(D20) Based site.
So that you all Know there is
a new PHB,DMG and MM coming out in JUly 2003.
This is my first try at putting up a web site. I am making this
web site to help anyone that would like to add crazy things to their game. I have been playing D&D since 1985 and I have
been the DM since 1987. I have played (mostly as the DM) D&D 1st, AD&D, AD&D 2nd, D&D 3rd, Starwars (d6),
Starwars (d20) and many other systems. The biggest problem I have is that my 2 friends (Pat, Jason who have been playing almost
as long as I am in each of the above games and I) do not like to play a normal anymore. In the current game they are in a
Forgotten Realms game but the year is 3001 (normally the game is 1300 or 1400 I think) so there is space travel. To make the
game even more crazy one player has a Guyver unit with Cyclops Optic Blast and another player has the Venom costume with Wolverines
powers. They also have a NPC with them that has Iceman and Archangels powers.
So what I am planing to do with this
web site is to put up how you can put these things into your game by making templates for them. If you would like you can
send a thing you would like me to try to make and I will give it a go when I can (my e-mail is in the like section). I can
not promise anything as I do this type of thing on the train ride to and from work. I do not have much spare time after helping
my wife, working, taking care of my 1-year-old son and trying to DM my game.
Hi all again. I though i shoud up date you on what has happend
on my game. First off the old party died when they tryed to fight a Black dragaon that was to powerful for them. Since then
they have made ne pc one is a syasan jedi with spidermans powers, the next is a namican cleric with the invsable women powers,
and the NPC is a transformer Wiz with shadowcats powers. Also my son is now taking some steps with out holding on. Just thogh
you would like to know. | |
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When you noticed the spelling and grammar errors please send me a e-mail so that I can try to fix it. Thank
Just so that you know I am now in a new group that is playing 3rd edition rules. We may start a second game thoug
as a super hero game. I will be making changes so that it works in my game.
My email addres is on the link page. Please tell me what
you think. If you have something you would like for me to look at please send it to me. | |