Name: Spider-Venom; real name: Peter Parker Class: Rogue Race: Human Alignment: Chaotic Good Level: 12 Size:
M Age: Late twenties. possably 24-27 years old Sex: Male Height: 5' 10" Weight: 165lbs Eyes: Hazel Hair: Brown
Ability Name STR 56 +23 DEX 52 +21 CON 26 +8 INT 19 +4 WIS 14 +2 CHA 16 +3 Speed:
42 Base Attack: +9/+4 Bonus HP: 204 VP: 816 DR: 12/+2 Points Experience Points: 66,000 Money: 2,000 gold Armor
Type: None AC: Armor Class 31Total =10Base + 21DEX Bonus Initiative: +23 Fortitude: 12 Reflex: 29
Will:6 SKILLS: Max Ranks: 15 / 7.5 C.C. Skill Name Alchemy 11 Balance 38 Bluff 13 Climb
33 Craft: Costume 9 Diplomacy 22 Disable Devise 14 Escape Artist 27 Gather Information 13 Hide
27 Intimidate 15 Jump 40 Knowledge: Spiders 11 Knowledge: Chemicals 9 Listen 12 Move Silently
31 Search 9 Sense Motive 8 Swim 28 Tumble RANGED: Attack Bonus +30/26 MELEE: Attack Bonus
+32/+25 Feats/Special Abilities 6 Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Point Blank Shot, Two-Weapon Fighting, Precise
Shot, Dodge, Mobility. Special Abilities: Sneak Attack: 6d6; Evasion; Uncanny Dodge (Dex Bonus to AC, Can't be Flanked);
Improved Evasion. Has Spiderman and Venoms Powers.